Small Tools

Sometimes lifter holes get burred when you knock the old lifters out. This lifter was converted to a reamer.

Little toaster oven is useful for baking moly and ceramic coatings onto parts. It can only hold two pistons at a time, but it only cost $5, so I can't complain. Note: using the toaster oven to warm leftovers may result in expensive forged racing pistons smelling like garlic bread.

Degree wheel for checking cams. Here I'm checking the lobe separation of a new cam.

carb adapter I
Since I run various engines on my run stand, not all of which have carburetors, I spent more time than I could really justify whittling a universal adaptor plate out of billet aluminum on my milling machine. It lets a 2bbl carb I just happen to have work on square or spread bore four barrel manifolds. Riser block was necessary to clear throttle linkage and butterflies. The port misalignment doesn't hurt a thing - the butterflies barely open when the engine is on the run stand.

carb adapter II
Here's the adaptor with the Rochester 2bbl in place. Note closing spring, knob on idle adjustment screw. The knob is actually splined for a good grip, but it doesn't show up well in the picture.

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