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Michael started the topic Tilt steering wheel in the forum Tech Help 8 years, 6 months ago
I would love tilt steering in my 1963, does anyone know another years column that would fit as I can’t find another 63 with it.
Michael replied to the topic 20's or 22's. Help deciding…please chime in! in the forum Tech Help 8 years, 6 months ago
I am considering the same thing for my 63. I have been communicating with Colorado custom wheels to make replicas of the stock hub cap in a wheel. He says either size works. He can send you a template to measure your car to know for sure. I plan to still do stock looking white walls so I’m leaning towards 20’s. I’m curious what you select and how it looks.
Doc replied to the topic Wheels in the forum 61 – 69 Lincoln Parts 8 years, 10 months ago
Hey Mike, hit me up. I think the place I’m going to use for my wheels might be able to help you out.