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Ben King replied to the topic Window and seat switch rebuilding service!! in the forum 61 – 69 Lincoln Parts 9 years ago
Do you have for sale or can you repair the 4-way flasher switch? Silver push button style from my ’66. Rivets on back of switch are mostly broken off.
Ben King started the topic FNG with questions in the forum Tech Help 9 years ago
Hi everybody. I’m new to this forum and I am a new Lincoln owner. I just bought a ’66 coupe (hope that doesn’t violate the “suicide” terms of agreement for this forum). It’s my first Lincoln. I’ve been wanting a slabside for about 6 years. Actively started looking 4 years ago. It was tough deciding between the coupe and 4 door. I gotta say now…[Read more]
Ben King became a registered member 9 years ago