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@jeremyllawson Any lincoln specialist in Detroit area? rear main seal is leaking also little trans fluid is leaking
@jeremyllawson Hey Jeremy I just joined and just purchased 62 need parts don’t know how to find . need bolt on hood hinges , trunk key lock with chrome trim windshield with new rubber Thanks for any help
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Call Mario the Lincoln Guy in Yucca Valley, CA. He should have the parts you need. 760-646-7996. Also, you can email him at [email protected]
In the off chance Mario doesn’t have what you need I’d suggest contacting Baker’s Auto or Lincoln Land. You can find links to them here :
@jeremyllawson Jeremy,
When I set up my member account, it would no allow me to put in my website url
Also, how do I get my company listed on your resources page.
Brewer Classic Lincoln- convertible top consulting and 61-69 Lincoln parts -
@jeremyllawson Jeremy, do you know of any issues with uploading pictures to gallery?
I’m new to the site and wanted to upload a few pics but the “type” selection box isn’t working correctly.
I haven’t had any issues with the gallery, but it’s possible there’s something going on since I’ve rolled out a ton of updates recently. What device/operating system and browser are you using to access the site?
Oh okay! I am using my iPhone and accessing the site through Google.
I rolled out more updates including an update to the gallery. Is it working for you now?
Great work on the site updates. Everything is running smooth, properly and easier to navigate through the site 👍🏼
Glad to hear it’s running smooth for you! If you run across any bugs let me know.