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Jason Ballard replied to the topic Project JFK Ride aka #JFKRide in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 9 years ago
So the motor ended up being fine. Long story short I installed the torque converter incorrectly. The plugs were not going thru the openings on the flex plate correctly. Nothing got damaged but having the motor ripped apart gave me the opportunity to get it cleaned up more. I have new gaskets coming to once again install the heads and get it…[Read more]
Jason Ballard replied to the topic My 65 "Restoration" in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 9 years ago
Good luck man. I love the dedication you have to your car. It will be GREAT when it is finished and you will really enjoy it. Keep up the hustle and hard work.
Jason Ballard replied to the topic Project JFK Ride aka #JFKRide in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 9 years ago
Thanks Jeremy. I’m pedal to the metal to get err done. Appreciate the comments!
Jason Ballard replied to the topic Project JFK Ride aka #JFKRide in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 9 years ago
Good news bad news. Bad news I’m pulling the motor. During my clean-up of the 462 and taking it to shows etc. water got on the valley pan and ended up making it’s way down the back center bolt, which I didn’t have totally bolted down. For some reason the same size bolt as the other valley pan bolts (allen heads) needed to be shorter (back middle)…[Read more]
Jason Ballard replied to the topic Project JFK Ride aka #JFKRide in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 9 years, 1 month ago
Starting to figure out where I’ll hide the relays so I got the door panels out and started looking at what I need to do.
Glued the plastic back together here:
Alternator I had the local shop build. Turns out he use to have a guy there that rebuilt the water pumps for Lincoln Land but ended up with health problems and…[Read more]
Jason Ballard replied to the topic Project JFK Ride aka #JFKRide in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 9 years, 1 month ago
Other update on the build as it relates to the alternator. I debated for a LONG time on where I would pickup my alteration from. Napa, Powermaster, Rock Auto, etc. I’ve settled on a local shop to build me an alternator around 160 amps. I really debated on going with Power Quality, which is where Slammed 64 went to:…[Read more]
Jason Ballard replied to the topic Project JFK Ride aka #JFKRide in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 9 years, 1 month ago
Ok, so this isn’t all the pics I plan to post related to wiring my window switches. As I mentioned I had not wired anything up using relays prior so this was my “test” based upon reading the thread I posted above. Many of the wires thus far I soldered but now that I know I have them wired correctly I’ll plan on placement of the relays, shortening…[Read more]
Jason Ballard replied to the topic Project JFK Ride aka #JFKRide in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 9 years, 1 month ago
Ok, so this isn’t all the pics I plan to post related to wiring my window switches. As I mentioned I had not wired anything up using relays prior so this was my “test” based upon reading the thread I posted above. Many of the wires thus far I soldered but now that I know I have them wired correctly I’ll plan on placement of the relays, shortening…[Read more]
Jason Ballard replied to the topic Project JFK Ride aka #JFKRide in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 9 years, 1 month ago
Thanks Jeremy! Here are the latest updates. I need to get back on it.. did some work this evening.
Well a took a break on the car several weeks. Got my metal building put up and did an epoxy coating on the floor. Also spent some time organizing my tools / parts etc. I’m going to get back on the car here this week. Tonight I messed around a bit…[Read more]
Jason Ballard replied to the topic Project JFK Ride aka #JFKRide in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 9 years, 2 months ago
Older updates from The Lincoln Forum.. i’m just pasting them here for updates…
This past Sunday my Pops and I dropped the motor in the car. 1) I had to move it as we moved a carport and it couldn’t stay where I had it 2) I wanted to be able to cut the wires to the correct length for the starter etc. Really no reason for it not to be sitting in…[Read more]
Jason Ballard replied to the topic Project JFK Ride aka #JFKRide in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 9 years, 2 months ago
Updates: Bumper brackets picked up. Many they LOOK killer! My guy did them in a matte finish, which I really like. Hoping to get the transmission in this weekend to get the starter mounted and finish the wiring real soon. Also, took the car to Scrapin’ The Coast in Bilouxi and had a killer time. 4 confirmed slabs there and one more cruising around…[Read more]
Jason Ballard replied to the topic Project JFK Ride aka #JFKRide in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 9 years, 2 months ago
But here are the updated pics:
Better pics of the new p/s lines:
#Mobsteel – they also have an new website and finally gear you can purcahse.
Lastly, I’m doing a new Podcast with my good friend Mike Murray. The title of it is Our Lifestyle. We are going to bake in a good bit of Lincoln / Slab talk. Please check out…[Read more]
Jason Ballard replied to the topic Project JFK Ride aka #JFKRide in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 9 years, 2 months ago
Did some work on the Lincoln yesterday after getting home from traveling this week at work.
I used a Ron Francis Wiring stud and placed it near the wiring harness. This will be used for the stereo power wire etc. I ran the power to it for the ViAir compressors and AccuAir air mgmt system.
Pretty much finalized the AccuAir wiring…[Read more]
Jason Ballard replied to the topic Project JFK Ride aka #JFKRide in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 9 years, 2 months ago
So I’ve been collecting more parts and steady working on the car as much as I can. Last Saturday I hit The Lincoln Ranch ( to meet up with Tim. I was in need of a driveshaft (mine has big dents in it) and misc other items. I got the parts I needed and had the driveshaft installed a few hours later after getting home. I jacked it…[Read more]
Jason Ballard replied to the topic Project JFK Ride aka #JFKRide in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 9 years, 2 months ago
Thanks man! Updates:
I did some work to clean up the wiring behind the dash I had ran previously. I tend to leave too much excess “just in case” which is always too much.
Hit the pedal setup with a wire brush and with black paint.
Jason Ballard replied to the topic Project JFK Ride aka #JFKRide in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 9 years, 2 months ago
Thanks man! Updates:
Thanks man. Good lookin out. I have a fuse on the compressors / AccuAir out back but will keep that in mind for other stuff I plan to run to the stud.
I did some work today to clean up the wiring behind the dash I had ran previously. I tend to leave too much excess “just in case” which is always too much.
Forgot to…[Read more]
Jason Ballard replied to the topic Ryan's 67 Coal Rollin' Steamboat "Lucille" in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 9 years, 2 months ago
Bad ass project!
Jason Ballard replied to the topic Story of "Siren" My daughters 67 Vert build in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 9 years, 2 months ago
Bad ass man. Can’t wait to see it come together. Good chilling’ with you yesterday in Lakeland.
Jason Ballard replied to the topic Project JFK Ride aka #JFKRide in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 9 years, 7 months ago
Jason Ballard replied to the topic Project JFK Ride aka #JFKRide in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 9 years, 7 months ago
Here are some more updates:
Transmission is about to go back in. I’ve been getting my ducks in a row and finally have the last piece of the puzzle solved, which was the transmission crossmember. Thanks to TonyC and a guy in the Suicide Slab FB group I was able to nail down what I needed. Got the visuals here:…[Read more]
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