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SYKO Simmons replied to the topic Story of "Siren" My daughters 67 Vert build in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 8 years, 12 months ago
Sorry its been awhile since my last update, the holidays, work and other things always tend to interfere but we haven’t stopped working on it! his a little update of whats been going on.
the main thing is I brought her donor car home, which is one fine car to be chopping up~! lol but it will give her car a great platform to be reliable and…[Read more]
SYKO Simmons replied to the topic Story of "Siren" My daughters 67 Vert build in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 8 years, 12 months ago
Sorry its been awhile since my last update, the holidays, work and other things always tend to interfere but we haven’t stopped working on it! his a little update of whats been going on.
the main thing is I brought her donor car home, which is one fine car to be chopping up~! lol but it will give her car a great platform to be reliable and…[Read more]
SYKO Simmons replied to the topic Story of "Siren" My daughters 67 Vert build in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 9 years, 2 months ago
got a little more cut out, these 66 up cars are loads different in construction as opposed to earlier models like my 62… way heavier and alot more involved in cutting it
got some bracing in so it dosnt folt up
and after a ridiculous amount of time got the middle floor cut out
rocky always checking out progress
anyone interested in a…[Read more]
SYKO Simmons replied to the topic Story of "Siren" My daughters 67 Vert build in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 9 years, 2 months ago
and for another big fat update!!!!
friday started off getting a few things in order on Katies car then Saturday I went to the Moultrie swap meet with a friends son to pick up a few items that generally appear there cheaper then other places.
got her some blue dot clear headlights, some light blue welt cord and some black woven wire loom cover,…[Read more]
SYKO Simmons replied to the topic Story of "Siren" My daughters 67 Vert build in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 9 years, 2 months ago
had a slow day at work so I had the chance to do alittle dissembly to the car! more to come!
essential tools for this job
got the drivers outer fender off pretty quickly
alot more to come this weekend!! I cant wait to get to choppin!!
SYKO Simmons replied to the topic Story of "Siren" My daughters 67 Vert build in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 9 years, 2 months ago
her car is going to be so much better than mine!! damn im jelous!!! lmao
SYKO Simmons replied to the topic Story of "Siren" My daughters 67 Vert build in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 9 years, 2 months ago
told you there was a big update!!
2004 lincoln towncar great shape except some driver quarter damage
near perfect interior runs great with under 100k in miles
now its going to get CUT!!
SYKO Simmons replied to the topic Story of "Siren" My daughters 67 Vert build in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 9 years, 2 months ago
not a whole lot to post right now
got her up on stands
then got the doors off and continued to take measurments,the good thing is even though its pretty beat the main structure is solid and there is zero deflection anywhere in the body.
I also created a GOFUNDME account please be respectfull about it and at least read it…[Read more]
SYKO Simmons started the topic Story of "Siren" My daughters 67 Vert build in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 9 years, 2 months ago
Im just finally starting a build thread foir my daughters 1967 Lincoln Continental vert “SIREN”
like my other build this is a basket case build, a build started from a car witch no one would believe would ever see the road again. These in fact are my favorite builds, ones that all your talent and heart is poured into. Much like myself my…[Read more]
SYKO Simmons replied to the topic THE ONE! THE ONLY! SYKOS WILD BUILD! in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 9 years, 6 months ago
also got my wheels ive been wanting so bad
I think im going to goto a slightly smaller tire with a larger whitewall soon though
and some random pics from my trip to dallas texas
SYKO Simmons replied to the topic THE ONE! THE ONLY! SYKOS WILD BUILD! in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 9 years, 6 months ago
few photoshoots along the way
SYKO Simmons replied to the topic THE ONE! THE ONLY! SYKOS WILD BUILD! in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 9 years, 6 months ago
pulled the trigger on something Ive always wanted to do LOUVERS
I ordered two pre punched louver panels and comenced on tearing apart my perfect hood!
just laying on top of the hood
cut out portions
welded in solid….lots of welding!
and even more body work!! ugggg
some black primer
some repair and repaint on the…[Read more]
SYKO Simmons replied to the topic THE ONE! THE ONLY! SYKOS WILD BUILD! in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 10 years ago
had a good friend of mine come out for some simple striping
alittle Kustom Kulture on the back
and something simple on the hood
may do some later…but not to worried about it since this is just a temp paint job right now.
SYKO Simmons replied to the topic THE ONE! THE ONLY! SYKOS WILD BUILD! in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 10 years ago
did alittle work on making some back interior stereo speaker pods, my next main adventure is sorting out the interior this summer along with some stereo
first fabbed up the backing board and speaker pod and test fit
then I stretched some material over it all and fiberglassed it
got them all smoothed out
then covered them in…[Read more]
SYKO Simmons replied to the topic THE ONE! THE ONLY! SYKOS WILD BUILD! in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 10 years ago
some new shots of everyday life
just crushing grass
finally got my pump and manifold situated the way I want it, resides behind passenger front tire
just enjoying local cruis-ins
got to take my equally awesome daughter to a Halloween party in the big Linc
just strutting its stuff!
SYKO Simmons replied to the topic THE ONE! THE ONLY! SYKOS WILD BUILD! in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 10 years ago
got the pump filled and ready togo in
it was a pig making it fit in… I knew it would be tight in there but damn…lol…beats having it taking up space in the trunk
made a quick template for a close out panel ill get some sheetmetal to make thse out next week
all I got to do now is run my battery wiring and hook up the solonoid and…[Read more]
SYKO Simmons replied to the topic THE ONE! THE ONLY! SYKOS WILD BUILD! in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 10 years ago
SYKO Simmons replied to the topic THE ONE! THE ONLY! SYKOS WILD BUILD! in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 10 years ago
what im working on now for her
this will take the place of the old fener gate pump ive been running, this will give me alot more movement as well.
SYKO Simmons replied to the topic THE ONE! THE ONLY! SYKOS WILD BUILD! in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 10 years ago
finaly started putting on some of the trim Ive had put up for years back on
here she is sipping at the pump
got some more stuff to post later…stay tuned!
SYKO Simmons replied to the topic THE ONE! THE ONLY! SYKOS WILD BUILD! in the forum Suicide Slabs Build Pages 10 years ago
out after two cure cycles… it pinched up some but it will be a good solid base to fix all the body imperfections and other things that may pop up before I do my final paint
nothing special about the paint right now, just a black Limco Singlestage, witch I got to thank Accurate Auto Paint in Valdosta, GA the hookup
its a 20 footer…[Read more]
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